​All the habitats are connected by “runways” which allow monkey groups to be safely shifted to a new location. In the wild, capuchins range from place to place.
Similarly, rotating the sanctuary monkeys among habitats gives them a change of scene and the chance to interact with new neighbors.
​These human-reared monkeys still crave (and receive) some human attention from time to time. But once the monkeys experience the satisfactions of interacting with other monkeys they find humans to be a poor substitute… primarily useful for bringing meals and treats.
A boy named Sue
Cozy in their cave
A shady retreat
Egg on his face
A runway with a view
Groups of 2 to 5 monkeys is the norm at Koreymonde, with membership shifting from time to time. Every individual is different. Close observation of the monkeys’ interactions and behaviors is key to making the right connections allowing each resident to thrive.
Monkeys are social creatures, with a deep need for connection with their own kind. Most of the Koreymonde monkeys were isolated from their own species until they came to the sanctuary.
Large habitats on natural ground give plenty of room for a game of chase, and allow the monkeys to hang out together or enjoy their solitude as they choose.
Monkey-friendly props, platforms, swings and hammocks, along with natural trees and plants, provide stimulation and opportunity for a range of natural behaviors.
The runways also extend the habitats, giving more room to roam and different views to enjoy. No, they are not in small cages… they just love to hang out in the runways!
At Koreymonde, the goal is to let monkeys be monkeys.
Monkeys are bred and sold as pets or surrogate babies -- all geared to human desires.
It doesn’t work.
What about the monkeys?
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